Saturday 25 July 2015

Happy Couples

Right now I say screw happy couples.
In general we're a happy couple, my boyfriend and I. But when it comes down to where we are going to live we butt heads. We'e both stubborn, which I usually find is a quality in him, but for this... It causes more pain than I'd like to admit. If I move where he is I'll be miserable and if he moves where I am he'll be miserable. To me it seems logical that since I have the baby here and have built us a life here, for him to move here with us. He doesn't see it that way and so we strongly disagree with one another.
Right now I want to rip my hair out because I see why he is saying what he's saying and I know he sees what I mean and yet, neither of us will budge. Argh!

I think we need to grow up haha


Thursday 23 July 2015

Once a Week

Sorry for the long and sudden hiatus!
Let's see what's happened between then and now...
Well my Chickie walks and runs now. She also might need legs braces to straighten out her calf bones. Should be hearing back from the specialist soon. Fingers crossed on that.
Um she can also talk. Not full sentences yet aha but she knows some words like de l'eau (water in french), lait (milk in french), along with mama, Dada,  J.D (my brother), and Nana (my sister), up (which comes out as bup), more, moo, go, gotta go, hi, bye-bye,  cheese, and new from today (yesterday): dodo (from dormir, which is sleep in french).
She has got such a cheeky little attitude on her, friendly as can be (almost too friendly really, and just makes me so happy.
She also turned one at the beginning of June, two weeks after my 20th birthday. Time is just flying by and I love seeing the lovely person she is growing into.


Thursday 19 March 2015

So sorry about that last post. My Chickie's teething and we haven't sleeping. The events of the weekend got to me a little more than usual.

Any way.. My photo shoot project is coming along nicely, we have a meeting Saturday morning to set dates for the shoots and then we start shooting next week. I'm super excited!